birdwire | 22"x22" | available
building f | 22"x14" | sold
cicero yard | 46"x34" | available
connections | 48"x48" | sold
elkhorn road | 10"x10" | sold
entangle | 46"x34" | available
la jara | 46"x46" | available
portal | 20"x16" | available
sunoco | 46"x46" | available
tethered | 72"x48" | not available
the screen | 46"x46" | available
the way home | 48"x48" | not available
transmission | 46"x34" | available
water tower place | 56"x48" | sold
wayfinder | 32"x16" | not available
winter lines | 80"x80" | available
yellow house | 15.5"x23" | available